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220 Hour TEFL Course for Online Teachers


The teaching English online market has grown significantly over the last few years, but there’s still an ever-increasing demand for online English teachers of multiple categories of TEFL.

This is the ideal teaching English online course. It includes your primary TEFL certificate, observed teaching practicum, and even 3 x 30 hour specialist courses that focus solely on moving your teaching from the classroom to the online space.


What will I learn?

Are you interested in teaching online from the comfort of your own home? Or travelling the world and teaching online from anywhere? Then this is the perfect course for you. The English teaching market has grown significantly over the last few years but there’s still an ever-increasing demand for online teachers in multiple TEFL categories.

This is the ideal teaching English online course for aspiring online TEFL teachers. It’s an extremely comprehensive course that does not require any prior teacher training or certificates. The course is strategically split into four independent courses. It includes your primary TEFL certificate, observed teaching practicum, and 3 x 30 hour specialist courses that focus solely on moving your teaching from the classroom to the online space.

Course Content

Getting your TEFL qualification with the TEFL Institute guarantees you lifetime support and unlimited access to our jobs board and listings – an essential first step in your TEFL career. The teaching English online market is thriving and there’s a growing demand for online teachers.

Boost your earning potential by giving your CV that competitive advantage and enrol onto four independent courses as part of this specialist teaching English online course. As most online teaching jobs are aimed at teaching children, the Teaching Young Learner Specialist course is also included in this package – another skill to add to your online teaching resume.


  • 1-3 Modules One-Three:

    Module One: How to Make Sense of Teacher/Learner Needs

    Understanding your students’ language abilities and why they want to learn English. Get to know the basic principles behind TEFL teaching and teaching English online.

    Module Two: How to Understand and Use Grammatical and Teaching Terminology

    By the end of this module, you’ll know your present continuous from your present simple tense. Most of all, you’ll be familiar and confident with grammatical terms. We know that grammar can be intimidating for new teachers – it won’t be at the end of module 2!

    Module Three: How to Plan Your Syllabus and Lessons

    Being the best teacher you can be is down to planning. On this course, you’ll get the planning techniques that will not only save you time but will ensure your lessons run smoothly. You’ll gain students’ respect which, of course, is great for reviews (especially when you are teaching online).

  • 4-6 Modules Four-Six:

    Module Four: How to Teach Grammar

    Now that you know grammatical terms, you’ll fly through this module on how to teach it. Breaking down your students’ English levels, you’ll know which grammatical term to teach and how to teach it. You’ll get so much useful information about how to prepare engaging grammatical building block lessons that work. Watching your students progress will be so exciting!

    Module Five: How to Teach Vocabulary

    Did you know that there are around 171,000 words in the English language? Don’t worry, you’ll only be asked to teach a few hundred of those! From beginner restaurant vocab like, ‘hello’, ‘good’, ‘name’, and ‘please’ to advanced business such as, ‘university’, ‘opportunity’, and ‘overseas’, you’ll study the tools to teach vocabulary and use them effectively so your students can use it in the right context.

    Module Six: How to Teach Pronunciation 

    Help your students speak English confidently by practicing pronunciation. This is the primary reason they want to learn English from you. As a native speaker pronouncing a word like ‘enough’ is simple for you, but not for many other nationalities. On this course you’ll learn modern techniques to help your students sound as fluent as possible.

  • 7-10 Modules Seven-Ten:

    Module Seven: How to Teach Reading and Listening Skills

    These are called ‘receptive skills’ because the student is receiving language. By the end of this lesson, you’ll know the most effective ways to engage students in reading English and how to write it. This includes setting tasks from listening to music, radio and recordings to reading letters, emails and Facebook posts inside and outside the classroom. Oh yes, you’ll be setting a lot of homework for your students!

    Module Eight: How to Teach Writing and Speaking Skills

    These are called ‘productive skills’ because students produce language. You’ll learn plenty of useful ideas about how to get your students up on their feet and chatting to you about hobbies, politics or story-telling. You’ll also get help with how to teach your students to write English – at all levels, from favourite foods to the economy in Spain.

    Module Nine: How to Teach English for Specific Purposes

    Your students have a reason why they want to learn English. You’ll learn how to differentiate these different types of students and how to tackle their lessons. For example, how to teach teenagers, business people or exam classes to help students get into universities in the USA or UK. You’ll end lesson 9 armed with a breadth of knowledge about who you are teaching, why you are teaching them and what you should teach them.

    Module Ten: How to Move from Learning to Earning

    Here you’ll get up-to-date tips on the current employment market. Once you’ve secured your first job, this module will give you details about how to get the best career to jump into any job online or abroad.

  • 1-5 How to Teach Young Learners

    Teaching young minds is probably one of the most rewarding jobs you’ll do. The demand for your know-how will be high. You could find yourself teaching online from home on one of the many platforms hiring thousands of teachers monthly. If your sights are set abroad, then schools across the world will be eager to employ you. Why? Because they have thousands of students on their books who need English teachers.

    Over five jam-packed modules, you’ll learn how to apply real or virtual classroom techniques and management skills to educate eager young minds. Here’s a brief overview:

    • Teaching grammar and vocabulary.
    • Teaching reading and writing.
    • Teaching listening and speaking.
    • Lots of FUN and ENGAGING activities for 3-16 year olds.
  • 1-5 Teaching English Online

    There are currently around 1.5 billion people learning English around the world. This means the demand for people who are qualified to teach English – and confident to tutor students online – is one of the fastest-growing markets in the (already) booming English language learning sector.

    This How to Teach English Online course will help you become a TEFL pro in the virtual world. At the end of this course, you’ll learn how to teach remotely and what options you have when it comes to freelancing or teaching independently. This could be one-to-one or small group sizes.

    This six-module course is packed with creative content to make you a competent online English teacher and covers:

    • How to teach the four skills in a virtual setting (reading, writing, listening and speaking).
    • Methods for keeping students engaged in a remote classroom.
    • Considerations for being employed or working independently.
  • 1-5 Teaching Business English

    Teaching Business English is a specialised form of teaching the language that focuses on business terminology and related topics and corporate culture. It is often taught onsite to large companies’ employees, but you could even teach private English classes or Business English online.

  • 1-2 Virtual Teaching Practicum

    Over two 3-hour workshops in the Teacher Studio with a DELTA-qualified teacher trainer, you will put theory into action during this dynamic peer-to-peer teaching practice module.

    Be part of a new teaching community, prepare and teach lessons together with classmates from around the world and get invaluable live feedback from your tutor. You receive lots of dedicated tuition with our 14-person small groups. Session dates are added every month to give you flexibility.


Highfields Qualifications

The TEFL Institute’s Level 5 accrediting body is the  (Highfield Qualifications). This qualification is aimed at those with little or no experience teaching English or those with previous experience seeking a recognised qualification to validate their knowledge. This qualification provides learners with a certificate recognised worldwide and can be used to secure teaching positions, visas and other employment related to English language teaching. For a more general overview of the units, we recommend Highfield Level 5 Certificate in Teaching as a Foreign Language (TEFL). To learn more about Ofqual or verify Highfield’s status, visit their website: Ofqual.

The Accreditation Council for Distance Learning:

An is accrediting body specialising in distance learning courses. Their ethos promotes the utmost standard of excellence among providers bearing a seal of approval assures students that ACDL-accredited educational providers offer the best in certified quality standards. The accreditation number is 2854-2540.

The Vital Consular:

What is this verification seal, and why is it different to an accreditation? The TEFL Institute is a verified UK TEFL provider, meaning that you can study any one of our courses with the knowledge that it will be fit for purpose when you need to use it overseas for your new teaching role. The Vital Consular verification scheme ensures that the members are all recognised by the UK Government. All certificates they issue can be used for an overseas work permit; not all TEFL providers meet these requirements!

This is extremely important if you’re travelling to China, Vietnam, Taiwan and other destinations where your documents will need to be legalised for your visa. If your certificate doesn’t get past the first stage of legalisation by the UK Government, you’ll likely have to start a new course, costing you extra time and money before you can even get things moving.

As a globally recognised TEFL provider, our academic team are responsible for developing and delivering a comprehensive range of accredited and government-regulated courses with extensive course material. The TEFL Institute has a reputation within the TEFL industry for its high calibre of training and for producing TEFL teachers of the highest standard. It is ranked as the number #1 training provider by employers worldwide.


The Open and Distance Learning Quality Council was founded in 1969 as the Council for the Accreditation of Correspondence Colleges, and it was renamed the Open and Distance Learning Quality Council in 1995.

The Council’s mission is to identify and improve the quality of education and training and protect learners’ interests.

The Standards define quality according to the Council. Open and distance learning providers who meet those standards can apply to the Council for accreditation.

Why us

Because we care about your TEFL journey from the moment you decide you want to teach English as a foreign language. We want you to be well prepared and to have the right qualifications and all the skills necessary to realize all of your ambitions. The TEFL Institute assists you every step of the way and offers guidance to ensure you take the right course or internship that best suits your needs. From the moment you get in touch, we are here for you, and you will become a member of the TEFL Institute family.

Our Core Principles

Passion – Our team is passionate about travel, teaching and building lasting relationships with our clients. We are constantly generating new leads, creating new programs and internships, and generating new content to help meet our client’s needs.

Genuine & Committed – We genuinely care about our clients and interns. We are committed to providing them with one-on-one help from our dedicated and experienced team to ensure their TEFL dreams are met.

Partnership & Collaboration – We work with various companies across the globe to create lasting relationships and partnerships to help service our clientele by providing them with opportunities to live and work abroad. We continuously strive to create new and lasting partnerships to serve our clients best.

Integrity – We believe in doing everything with integrity and honesty. To uphold the highest moral standards in all, we do our best to serve our customers as trustworthy and reliable sources.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do with my TEFL certificate?

The “Teaching English as a Foreign Language” (TEFL) certificate, is the most commonly accepted certificate worldwide. This certificate allows you to teach English to non-native speakers across the globe. The main qualifications to get a TEFL is to have the ability to speak English at a native-level and then complete a course. You can complete a TEFL course either online or in a classroom. The different courses vary based on the number of hours it takes to complete.

Who can do a TEFL course?

First and foremost, an aspiring TEFL teacher must be outgoing and confident, and not afraid to make themselves look a little silly, especially when teaching children. Expression is a huge part of the methodologies to be able to get your point across. You’ll warm up to this in time and it all takes practice.

We suggest people to be at least 16 with a C1 level of English or higher. If you’re not sure, we have a free English test. We also would recommend people who work on their own initiative as it is an online course and you will need to be your own motivation.

What can I do with my TEFL certificate?

As a TEFL qualified teacher, the world is your oyster. Our 120 hour TEFL certificate is fully accredited and internationally recognised, meaning you can teach online or around the globe. If you are looking to teach in your home country at a language centre or would like to go to the UAE, we would suggest you doing our higher-level qualification, our 180 hour level 5 TEFL course, as this is the requirement in such competitive countries.

What is the difference between the 120 Hour TEFL course and the 180 Hour level 5 TEFL course?

Both courses are your main TEFL qualification and give you the opportunity to start your ESL career. However, there are a few differences between them and the right choice will depend on your story and goals.

The 120 hour TEFL course is the minimum standard around the world. It is a lovely laid out course with 10 modules outlined in the course content. This certification can be used primarily to teach online and travel the world. It is the fastest route to getting a qualification.

The 180 hour course is a level 5 qualification and can be compared to a CELTA or TrinityTESOL. This course is harder and longer to complete, but worth it in the end as it opens up so many opportunities. This course should be taken if you’d like to teach in your home country or certain places in Asia.

Do I need to be a teacher to teach English abroad?

You do not need any prior teaching degrees or experience to teach abroad. Once you have your TEFL certificate, you are 100% able to work as a TEFL teacher. A B.Ed. will of course help your resume, but it is definitely not necessary.

How are the courses laid out?

Our courses are filled with course content, videos, podcasts, reflective tasks, and tests. They are online courses and can be completed in your own time and from home.

Our 120 hour TEFL course has 10 modules with a multiple choice test at the end of each module. You will need 80% to pass. We offer free retests, so if you fail the first time, simply go through your coursework again and retake the test. All examinations are completed online and at your own pace. You are given 6 months to complete the course to accommodate for people who have full-time jobs and dependents, but ultimately it doesn’t take this long.

Our specialist courses are much shorter than the main TEFL qualifications. They are all completed online and in your own time. All tests are done online and corrected instantly. They have course content and tests throughout the course. They can be completed before or after the main TEFL qualification. 

Our 10 hour Classroom Methodologies Course is completed through Zoom. You will join a class of no more than 12 students with your tutor, Kate. It will be held over two 5 hour days. She will be responsible for your passing mark based on your attendance, involvement and completion of an assignment. 

Are the courses accredited?

The TEFL Institute is fully accredited by ACDL (accreditation number: 2854-2540). The 120 hour TEFL Certificate is 100% accredited.

Is the certificate included in the price?

All of our accredited courses include a PDF version of the certificate. This is perfect for applying for jobs online or abroad. Sometimes, perhaps for visa reasons, you may need a hard copy. We have options available, but there is an extra cost for print and postage.

How much time do I have to complete the course?

You have six months to complete your course. As seen in our average completion times, it won’t take you this long but is just to accommodate all needs. If you require more time, that’s ok! We have extension options.

Please see the full FAQs through this link:

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English Level Test

Take the English level test to see which is the best course for you.
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Best for

We recommend this course over the other courses if:

  • You are over 17 and would like a professional qualification
  • Interested in teaching TEFL and want to build a career teaching online
  • Interested in improving your English grammar
  • Want the freedom and flexibility of being able to teach from anywhere

Flexible and engaging

Packed with interactive quizzes and videos, this accredited TEFL course will give you all the training you need to become a professional TEFL teacher and prepare you fully for teaching online. The course is accessible from any device, 24/7, and can be completed using the world’s first TEFL app.

Easy employer verification

Employers can check and verify the qualifications of any TEFL Institute teacher online via the employer’s verification page, giving them the confirmation that your TEFL qualification is official.

Competitive salary, secure employment

To earn a competitive salary and secure employment, TEFL employers expect at least 120 hours of TEFL tuition. This course goes beyond that international standard qualification, and includes a teaching practicum as well as specialist courses. Embark on a new journey with a lifetime qualification that will give you the ability to teach English as a foreign language and train you how to teach English online.

The only requirement to complete our 220 Hour specialist online educator TEFL course is a good command of the English language(minimum level c1) and a working device.

Online TEFL Courses
100% Online, Available 24/7
97% Pass Rate
Risk Free Guarantee
Download 220 Hour Prospectus

Verified Student Reviews

Out of 1570 global reviews
Based on 2038 reviews
Based on 100 reviews
Just had a great webinar about teaching in Thailand with Walter & olivia. these webinars are extremely helpful and gets me excited to compelte my journey so i can start teaching.
Gerry P.
12:44 25 Jun 24
I started my TEFL journey last year and every time I had any question, the staff was kindly able to help me sort it out! I am very happy with them!
Jaquelina C.
10:58 25 Jun 24
I just completed the 10 hour Virtual Course for Advanced Certification in TEFL Classroom Methodologies. Our tutor, Michelle K, is a wonderful tutor; she brought course content to life with her positive and engaging teaching style. She was very helpful and informative in every question we asked her. I am glad I took this course to give me a better insight in how to actually manage a classroom.
Alice K.
09:20 25 Jun 24
I made contact with Walter Cullinan about signing up for the course. He has been most professional and helpful and I shall be signing up today
Janet F.
07:46 25 Jun 24
Thank you Sorcha with your kind efficient help this afternoon, I am very grateful for your help.Alice
alice B.
11:39 24 Jun 24
I had an issue today with my account and Sorcha from the Tefl Institute of Ireland was very helpful and sorted out the situation. I have gone for the Italy Internship and i have to say, I have gained insights from the directors of studies who interviewed me so far. The great thing with this company that is you will be assisted all the way with anything that you need. Thank you.
damien K.
11:26 24 Jun 24
Customer Care was fantastic, the horrors of attempting to navigate through all the different TEFL courses on Google was anxiety inducing and nauseating, however stumbling across the TEFL Institute of Ireland and having a chat with Sorcha definitely calmed my nerves a bit. Sorcha was extremely helpful and was quick to answer my endless amount of questions and in detail. I am hoping to take that leap of faith and partake in the course.
Ryan B.
10:10 24 Jun 24
I have just enrolled in the program so I don't know enough yet to comment on the lectures. Five stars, at this point, are going to Elaine Lenane for her guidance even before my enrolment, and all the help provided by her. I am ever so grateful to her. Also, 10% coupon helped a lot. Thank you for that TEFL Institute!
Sanja J.
12:06 22 Jun 24
recently I had the pleasure of booking a tefl course.I had a lot of questions and needed a lot of advice.I recieved outstanding customer care from Walter Cullinan.Walter was so professional and patient and available to answer all my questions.He was prompt returning calls and guided me and answered all my queries.It was a pleasure to get 5 star customer care.Thank you Walter for being amazing.
hazel D.
19:49 21 Jun 24
I made an enquiry at the Tefl Institute for a refresher course, Tracy was super helpful in advising me the options and explaining to me which will work best. Thank you Tracy. Much appreciated.
Mahira A.
14:36 21 Jun 24
5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star
1 Star

Limited Time TEFL Offer

120 Hour Advanced TEFL Course

What’s Included

120 hour TEFL Training
24/7 study access
Internationally recognised certificate
Personal online TEFL tutor support
Ideal if you want to teach English online
Lifetime TEFL job hunting advice
TEFL training accredited by ACDL
30 Hour Teaching Young Learners Course
30 Hour Advanced Grammar Course
  • days
  • hours
  • minutes
  • seconds

Free Resources

Free 12 Hours Live TEFL Zoom Classes worth 99.00

Free Teaching English Online Course worth 15.00

24/7 Access

Personal Tutor Assistance

Digital Certificate

Dedicated mentorship

Meet your instructors

You’re not in this alone, as part of this course you’ll be matched with a mentor from our academic team. Mentors are CELTA & DELTA qualified, and have at least 4 years of teaching experience. Whenever you will need help our tutor team is there to guide you. create alongside them, and receive weekly live & asynchronous feedback on real-world projects.

  • Luke

    Academic Assessor
  • Sian

    Academic Assessor
  • Rachel

    Academic Assessor & Tutor
  • Jacob

    Academic Director
  • Jenny

    Academic Assessor
  • Laura

    Academic Assessor
Start teaching in as little as four weeks. Discover how much you can earn

TEFL Accreditation with The TEFL Institute

Ranked Number #1 TEFL Trainer by Schools and Employers Worldwide

(Open & Distance Learning Quality Council)
Regulated by Highfield
Accreditation number:
Vital Consular
Recognised by the UK government

Find The Perfect TEFL Course


What If I’m Not Good At Grammar?

Don’t panic! In many cases your focus as an English teacher will be conversational. Most native English speakers aren’t aware of grammar terms; but you’ll cover everything you need to know during your course, plus receive a 70+ page Grammar eBook.

What Score Do I Need To Pass My TEFL Course?

Your TEFL course is marked through continuous assessment with end of module knowledge tests. You’ll need to score 100% to pass, and unlock the next module. If you don’t pass first time, you’ll be able to re-sit at no extra cost, so don’t worry.

How Long Does A TEFL Course Take?

The time taken to complete a TEFL course depends on how much study time you can dedicate each week and which duration of course or training package you choose. You’ll have 180 days (six months) to complete your TEFL course, which is typically twice as long as needed to finish our most comprehensive training courses.


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