Meet Ella: A 10 Hour Virtual TEFL Course Graduate

One of our students, Ella, took our 10 Hour Virtual TEFL Course last May, during the start of COVID-19 lockdowns. Read on to find out about her experience doing the course through Zoom. She shares her top tips for future students and what she plans to do with her TEFL qualifications!

Meet Ella. She is our 10 hour Virtual TEFL Course graduate, and this is her story.

Can you tell us how you found the 10 Hour Virtual TEFL Course? What was your favourite part?

I had a really good experience completing the virtual TEFL course. It was well laid out, and each module was very informative. Kate was our tutor, and she made the course very enjoyable. My favourite part of the course was how much it helped bring everything I’ve learned on my TEFL educational journey so far, especially the teaching practice part.

How did you find Kate, your tutor, for the TEFL course?

I thought Kate was very experienced and she taught us a lot. Kate had the TEFL course well structured! For some parts of the modules, she taught us as if we were the students in an English class, and this helped us gain perspective on how it would be for our future students.

At one stage, Kate taught us words from another language and showed us how to spell and speak them. It was difficult but beneficial for our students when they are learning English. Kate had a lot of valuable tips and gave us some great resources, which was helpful.

Normally, the 10 Hour Virtual TEFL Course is done in person. How did you find doing it virtually?

I didn’t find it much different, as I have been doing my TEFL training online from the beginning.

When I first signed up, I thought it would be difficult to get to know people in the course, but we used the Zoom breakroom function. This gave us time to talk to everyone in the class and for Kate to talk to us individually.

I was in a small group, and it was nice to talk to other people who are studying TEFL and discuss the different things we were learning over the two-day course. Also, due to the small class size, we all got time to ask questions and talk to each other.

keyboard on desk studying for a TEFL course

Did you get a chance to practice teaching?

Yes. On the second day of the TEFL course, we were put into groups and asked to make up a 10-minute lesson to teach to the other class members. Kate had previously gone through the stages of creating a lesson, and we based our lesson plan on that. We got plenty of time as a group to prepare our lesson plan, and working with others made this easier.

During the exercise, we:

  1. Came up with an ice breaker for the class
  2. Presented the topic of the lesson
  3. Asked the class to get into pairs to do an activity
  4. Got the class to carry out a group exercise.

It was a bit nerve-racking, but we worked as a team to help each other out and the rest of the class took it seriously, which was very helpful. Kate also gave us feedback at the end, which showed what I had done well and areas I could improve. This will be beneficial for me going forward in my TEFL journey.

Would you recommend the virtual TEFL course to others?

Yes! I know some people may want to wait until they can do it in person, but I think you’d be getting the same experience.

It’s been hard to be motivated during the pandemic, especially with studying, but this helped kick-start my motivation again.

It was nice to have two days studying a new TEFL course and talking to like-minded people. It’s also a good opportunity for people looking to teach English online. It gives you a good perspective on how to teach online from both the teaching practice component and from watching how well Kate teaches the class.

Any tips for students thinking of enrolling on the online TEFL course? How did you find your motivation?

My number one tip is to plan ahead. When you figure out a good time to do your TEFL course, book it as soon as possible to secure the dates that suit you. Also, make sure you have a quiet place with few-to-no distractions as it can be hard to focus when you’re doing a course online.

I found my motivation from boredom after spending the first four months of the pandemic alone. However,  I decided to take the time to keep busy and improve myself in little ways, so I wrote a list of things I could complete in that time.

I always meant to become a  10-hour TEFL course graduate, so when I saw I could do it virtually, I added it to my list. It gave me a sense of achievement and motivation to focus on studying my other TEFL courses and the other things on my list.

What’s next for you on your TEFL journey?

I hope to start teaching by the end of 2021, either online or in person. I’m currently finishing my degree and will be done by May.

The first thing I planned to do with TEFL was a teaching internship with The TEFL Institute of Ireland. I originally had my heart set on going to Myanmar, but with COVID-19, I will be happy with travelling anywhere.

After that, I hope to get a job somewhere else aboard and travel and teach as much as I can within the pandemic’s limits.


Inspired by Ella’s story? Find out more about our 10 Hour Virtual TEFL Course and how you can enrol today.

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TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language, and it’s a certificate you need if you want to teach non-native speakers English. With a TEFL certificate, you can teach students of all ages – from young learners to adult business language learners – anywhere in the world. It’s recognised globally and is the key to kick-starting your English teaching career abroad, home or online.

To get a TEFL certificate you must take an accredited TEFL course. The minimum training required by employers worldwide is 120 hours. You can choose between accredited, government regulated Level 5 or combined TEFL courses. You’ll find TEFL courses are either online or combined in-class and online experiences. 

Getting a TEFL certification from a recognised, trusted provider is essential when it comes to receiving high-quality training and finding a job. Always go for a globally recognised accredited certification. It’s also worth double checking company reviews to make sure customers are satisfied with their training.

What’s the difference between accredited and government regulated Level 5 TEFL courses?

The Accredited 120 Hour Premier TEFL Course is what we call one of our fast-track courses. This is the minimum recognised worldwide.

  • You have 10 modules to complete usually taking 4-6 weeks.
  • Each module has a multiple-choice test at the end, and you need 80% to pass.
  • You’ll get your digital certificate on completion and can buy a hard copy from us if you’d like one with an embossed logo.

Level 5 Ofqual-regulated courses offer more in-depth training. If we look at the 180 Hour Level 5 TEFL Diploma in comparison: 

  • Learners typically spend 12 – 14 weeks to complete 11 modules.
  • The pass mark is 100% and assessments are multiple-choice plus open-ended answers. Don’t worry, you can redo quizzes to get 100%. Our academic team will review your answers at the end of your 11 modules and may ask for some questions to be reattempted. Some questions may require you to provide academic references.
  • You’ll get your digital coursework completion certificate from us after module 11. Following successful assessment from our academic team, we’ll be able to claim the licence for your Ofqual (government) certificate from our accreditation body Highfield.

The Ofqual-regulated Level 5 course range is for those who want to gain a higher-level, more recognised qualification.

TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) teachers teach English in non-native English speaking countries. TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) teachers teach English in native English speaking countries. CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) is a separate qualification you can get to teach English.

TEFL: One of the most accepted certificates worldwide, this allows you to teach English to non-native speakers across the globe. 

TESL: As a TESL teacher, you would likely be teaching English in your home country to students who have moved or live in an English speaking country. In other words, they are continuously surrounded by the language and will be using it every day outside of the classroom, unlike TEFL students who are likely learning in their home country.

CELTA: A very prestigious certification that follows a strict regulation created by Cambridge University. You must complete a 120-hour TEFL course and six hours of teaching real ESL students. Most of the programmes are held over a month and are full time. However, you may be able to find some courses that are part-time and are spread over three months. Due to its intense nature and requirements, the cost tends to be much higher and can be up to €1700!

Yes! Teaching English as a foreign language – online or in-class – will give you an abundance of transferable skills. From time management to problem-solving and communication, you’ll have plenty of experience to impress future employers. As your TEFL certification never expires, you can get back into TEFL whenever you wish, too.

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