How to Get a TEFL Certification

What experts in the TEFL world often take for granted is that this can be new territory for a lot of people. We tend to throw around a lot of acronyms and potential employers may give you one-sentence requests such as “Obtain a TEFL certificate first” and maybe assume a little too much. Don’t worry, we’re going to explain everything in a step-by-step on how to get a TEFL certification online.

Step 1: Talk to an expert about getting your TEFL certification online

Your very first step is to talk to one of the amazing course enrollment officers, headed by the fantastic Sarah Foley. Our team will talk with you about your previous qualifications and experience, and also run through your goals with the certification. Only with this information can our team give your personalized advice on which course or route to take. 


Everyone’s story and circumstances are different so talk with someone today and find out which course suits you best! You can contact our team through email, by calling, live chat, or by filling out a contact form on our website and we’ll call you within 24 hours. Whichever way you prefer to chat we are here for you. 

TEFL Certificate

Step 2: Enroll in a TEFL Course that suits you

Once you’ve decided on the course or internship you’d like to do, your next step is to enroll. You can do this easily on our website in just a quick few steps or enroll over the phone and one of our advisors will help you. 

Enrolling in a course will give you instant access to your online dashboard, and you’ll be able to start right away. You’ll receive 6 months to complete your course, but it won’t take you this long. It’s just to accommodate people who may not be able to start right away. You’ll also receive a welcome call and email from us with all the information you’ll need. 

Step 3: Schedule your Timetable

You may get the urge to dive straight in, but this can sometimes be counterproductive. Take the time to read our emails and watch the dashboard navigation video. Look ahead to see how many modules you need to complete and give yourself a deadline. This will be sure to help you start on the right foot! 


Decide on a schedule for yourself to dedicate to the course. Always remember that tomorrow never comes! 

TEFL Timetable

Step 4: Start studying and use our FREE tutor and peer support system

It’s your first day of study and you’re excited to start your journey! Time to get studying. Take it step-by-step, page by page, and module by module. We have a range of learning materials included, from written to podcasts to videos, which break up your time and let you absorb the information in a fun way. 

During your study time, take advantage of our free tutor support and ask questions as they come. If you have a question about plagiarism for the Level 5 TEFL course, ask it sooner rather than later after you put in so much effort. You’ll also have access to our discord, which is accessed through your dashboard where you’ll be able to discuss trending topics with your peers. 

Step 5: Pass the Tests & Receive your TEFL Certification

You’ll see continuous assessment throughout the TEFL courses. These differ a little depending on the course that you choose. The level 5 certification has open-ended questions of about 100 to 300 words and this will be corrected by our assessment team. 

With our accredited courses, retests are free, so if at first, you don’t succeed, try and try again! Our level 5 course needs those manual corrections, so if you do fail for the third time, there is a small charge here. 

Once you’ve passed, you’ll get your certification! Your certification will come to you first in PDF format. This is accepted by employers worldwide as you’ll normally apply for teaching jobs from your home country before you go, and there’ll be a place to upload a file in each application online.


Step 6 (optional): Getting your Hard Copy TEFL Certification

You can also opt for a hard copy of your certificate. There is a small charge to cover print and postage which is not covered under the course enrollment fees. This is standard for every TEFL provider, as the hard copy is not always needed. The biggest reason you’ll need a hard copy is for visa reasons. If you do need it, let us know where you are traveling to, as places like Vietnam and China require it to be legalized. We can also provide this service before sending it to you and cut out a few extra steps for you. 

A TEFL Certification is a qualification that trains and allows you to teach English as a foreign language. The certificate covers all aspects of TEFL; from young learner to business English, from online to abroad, and from one-to-one lesson plans to classroom lesson plans. The world is your oyster!

In short, to get a TEFL certificate online, you’ll need to enroll in an online TEFL course and complete and pass all elements. The online school, like ourselves, will then pass you to get access to your certification. A bonus point to add is that, unlike other online courses, TEFL course continuous assessments and tests can also all be done online! See our blog above for all the steps that you might not think about before enrolling.

Since the TEFL course starts from scratch, there is no educational requirement to complete it. Let’s put those rumors to rest! No, you don’t need a Bachelor of education degree or teaching experience. Our courses will teach you all you need to know. The requirements to enroll and complete a TEFL course are as follows: Be 16 years of age or older Be a native English speaker or have fluency of above a C1 level Be self-motivated We do not check these requirements upon enrollment, but having these pre-requisites means that you’ll find it possible to complete the course. Potential employers and schools around the world will have their own, individual requirements too.

Yes, of course, you can! The TEFL certification stands on its own without the need for additional qualifications. In some countries, a degree is required for work permit reasons for any ex-pat looking to move there and work. Unfortunately, an ESL certification does not meet this requirement, and there’s no real way around it. Some specific schools, like business English learning schools, may also ask for BA degree holders. This is because your degree may help with industry English learning. This may also be because they want teachers who have shown commitment in the past. If you can cover these reasons in a different way, like experience, and the school you are applying to is not in a country that requires a degree for work permit reasons, why not apply anyway?

TEFL Courses can differ hugely depending on the provider, qualification, and quality of the course. An accredited quality course will be anywhere from $100 to $500. This can be lower during sales like Black Friday or higher if you opt for specialist courses and extra certifications. These are online course prices. There are also TEFL programs abroad which will cost a lot more!

This question is a really common one. There are definitely success stories out there of people who have climbed up the ranks without a TEFL certification and have survived and gotten secure jobs based on experience alone. The stories are true and it has happened a lot in the past. With the new generation of teachers and with a better, more modern access to education, we all know expectations from potential employers are getting higher. As entry-level teachers, a TEFL certificate is very much needed. The UAE has made the Level 5 TEFL Certificate a requirement for the work permit, and places like Thailand, Japan, and South Korea are following in those footsteps.

The steps to getting a TEFL certification are: Step 1: Talk to an expert about getting your TEFL certification online Step 2: Enroll in a TEFL Course that suits you Step 3: Schedule your Timetable Step 4: Start studying and use our FREE tutor and peer support system Step 5: Pass the Tests & Receive your TEFL Certification Step 6 (optional): Getting your Hard Copy Certificate You can see all the details on these steps in the blog above.

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